Mark Van Eygen paintings and sculptures

Introduction Ι Mark Van Eygen

painting and sculpting

Nice to meet you here. I’d rather show you my work in reality, but am glad to reach you virtually. You’ll find acrylic paintings on canvas, pastels and water colour on paper. Most of the sculptures are made in wood, mostly fruit trees. I try to make full use of the grain of the wood and start from the basic form of the trunk.

Pastel is a nice combination of drawing and painting, whereas acrylics give the possibility to work fast and use the different layers to reach a richness of colour. Throughout the years I have become more ‘materialistic’: I like nice materials and get addicted to the brightness of the colours.

I won’t make it difficult for you to give an interpretation of the works. Some of them are very classical themes: portraits, nudes, landscapes, musicians, lovers… Nevertheless I give these works a personal touch by accentuating colour, form, by sticking to the essentials. Some of them have got titles. You’re free to give them another name, as you like it. Some of the titles were given by creative, sympathetic on-lookers. So feel free to communicate the title you’ve given to a work. Last but not least: feel also free to visit the works in reality. Contact me and we can have a nice conversation. Besides, not all the works are on the website.

Workshop drawing

Granache tentoonstelling

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